4 Signs You Need a Root Canal

A root canal is a type of restorative dental procedure that cleans a tooth of decay found inside the tooth’s pulp and root. While cavities begin to affect the outside layer of the tooth, if left untreated they can eat away at the enamel and get inside it, and over time this bacteria can make its way to your root.

The only way to clean out decayed tissue while preserving the tooth is through a root canal. Once the dentist cleans the area, they will apply a cement-like material known as a dental filling, which closes the hole and restores the full function of the tooth.

The sooner you see a Pineville dentist to get the tooth fixed, the higher the chances that an extraction can be avoided. Here are 4 signs that you might need to see a dentist for a root canal:

1. Tooth Pain

The most common symptom that a root canal is in order is, of course, a toothache. In the beginning, the pain will usually come and go, and you might even experience some relief with over-the-counter pain medication, but, as bacteria continue to move down to the root, the pain will become consistent, and grow in intensity. 

Additionally, a tooth infection can heighten your sensitivity to cold and heat, so you might feel a sharp pain when your tooth is exposed to these extreme temperatures.

2. Discoloration

If your tooth changes color and becomes a bit gray, it can likely be caused by a cavity spreading inside. Tooth discoloration can happen because of many things, such as smoking or consuming foods and beverages that stain, but these changes will occur on most of your teeth at once, particularly your front teeth.

If the discoloration is limited to one tooth, an infection is a likely cause.

3. Red, Swollen Gums

If the gum area next to the tooth feels tender and even hurts when touched, this is another sign you might need a root canal. Once the bacteria travel to the root, they can begin to affect the soft tissue around it. In some cases, you can even notice a small bump just above or below the tooth, similar to a pimple. This is known as an abscess, and if it bursts it will leak pus.

4. Loose Tooth

As the infection becomes more and more serious, it can even lead to tooth loss. In fact, you may even notice the tooth feels looser. It’s important to avoid moving the tooth too much and see a dentist right away if this happens, to prevent any more damage by accident. 

Need a Root Canal? Stop by Pineville Family Dentistry

If you’re dealing with a tooth infection and may need a root canal, the Pineville Family Dentistry team is happy to help. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Troy Babb now to get started.