When is a crown necessary? Dental crowns are, essentially, a false tooth that covers up and replaces your natural tooth structure after it has been trimmed in order to restore its shape, function, and appearance. This is a very common restorative treatment and crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Wondering which situations require a dental crown? Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to dental crowns:
This is one of the most common reasons that a dental crown may be recommended. Smaller cavities can usually be repaired with a dental filling, which simply consists of a metal or composite material that’s placed directly onto the tooth.
However, fillings do not work well for larger cavities and badly-decayed teeth. Large fillings can compromise the structure of your tooth and leave it more prone to breaking. For this reason, a crown may be recommended. The decayed enamel will be removed, the tooth will be trimmed, and a crown that looks just like your tooth will be manufactured and placed over it to protect it from further damage.
If you have an old filling that is more than 2/3 the width of your tooth, or a filling that is damaged or failing, it may be a good idea to replace it with a dental crown. Crowns provide better protection than fillings and can prevent cracking and other similar complications.
Crowns are a great option for repairing cracked, chipped or broken teeth. Whether your tooth was broken by an oral injury or damaged due to wear & tear (such as teeth grinding) a crown is a good option.
While minor chips can sometimes be repaired with cosmetic treatments like veneers or dental bonding, major tooth damage almost always requires a dental crown. Your crown will cover up and strengthen the tooth, allowing you to eat, speak and smile again.
Root canal therapy is the best way to treat an infected tooth. It involves opening up a hole in your tooth and extracting decayed material from inside, then filling it and covering it up with a filling or a crown.
Fillings are commonly used to complete root canal therapy in the front teeth. However, crowns are usually a better option for rear teeth, since your back teeth experience much more bite force and pressure.
Finally, crowns can sometimes be used purely for cosmetic purposes. A very misshapen or severely stained tooth, for example, may not be treatable with veneers or dental bonding. If this is the case, a crown can be used to cover up the tooth and provide you with a more attractive smile.
If you think that you may need a dental crown in Pineville for one of the above reasons, Dr. Babb is here to help. Whether you’re in Pineville, Kingsville or Camp Beauregard, Pineville Family Dentistry can provide you with a comfortable, natural-looking crown that will restore your bite and your smile. Contact us now at (318) 704-5757 to get started, or stop by our office at 3310 Military Highway, Pineville, LA 71360 to make your appointment.